Τρίτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Παρασκευή 29 Ιουλίου 2011

ECCE May 2011 Results

The results for the University of Michigan May 2011 ECCE will be available online for language schools and individual candidates at Orfeas on Friday, July 29, 2011. If you have a smart phone you can take advantage of the new mobile version of Orfeas, which has been optimized to deliver exam results on these devices.

Printed copies of results will be mailed to Language Schools on Monday, August 1, 2011.

Results will be posted on the Hellenic American Union website and mailed to candidates on Monday, August 1, 2011. SOURCE: HAU Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Κυριακή 24 Ιουλίου 2011

May 2013 revisions to the ECCE GVR and Listening sections

As part of an ongoing process to ensure excellence in the ECCE, the University of Michigan has completed a comprehensive review of the ECCE. In addition to a survey of the related research literature and review of the relevant CEFR scales, the University conducted extensive statistical analyses of test items and candidate score performance and elicited feedback from ECCE examinees and from stakeholders who prepare students for the exam.

Based upon this comprehensive review, the University of Michigan announced changes to the ECCE GVR and Listening sections.

With these changes:

* Language used in the exam will be representative of that used in public, occupational, and educational contexts.
* Candidates will be tested on a wide variety of topics and discourse types, preview Listening section questions, and have more time at their disposal for the GVR section.

Reading, GVR section: * The current reading tasks with advertisements and the longer, related passages will no longer apply.
* As of May 2013, the above tasks will be replaced by two short passages followed by five questions each, and four texts that total about 550 words followed by ten questions about information in the texts.
* There will be no changes to the Grammar and Vocabulary subsections of the ECCE GVR section.
* Τhe time allowed for the GVR section will be increased from 80 minutes to 90 minutes.

Part 2, Listening section:

* The current extended listening task of 20 questions about a radio interview related to a single event will no longer apply.
* As of May 2013, the above task will be replaced by four short talks on different subjects by single speakers lasting about one and a half minutes each. Each talk will be followed by four, five, or six questions printed on the candidates’ booklets.
* Candidates will be given about 30 seconds to preview the questions before each talk begins.
* There will be a total of 20 questions for part 2, as with the current part 2 format.
* There will be no changes to Part 1 of the ECCE Listening section.
* The total duration of the Listening section will remain the same (30 minutes with a total of 50 questions).

In early 2012, a complete sample revised ECCE Listening test and GVR test will be made available.

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Σάββατο 30 Απριλίου 2011

Aπό εκθέσεις μαθητών

AΠΟ ΕΚΘΕΣΕΙΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΩΝ « Η επετηρίδα είναι αυτό που βγάζουμε στα μαλλιά μας άμα δεν λουζόμαστε συχνά » «Ο μισογύνης είναι τέρας μυθολογικόν, μισός γυναίκα και μισός άλλο πράμα, απερίγραπτης ασχήμιας και τελείως εξαγριωμένος με την κατάστασή του. » ( Από γυμνάσιο της Θεσπρωτίας, 1991) «Ο Κωνσταντίνος Καντάφης ήτανε Έλληνας ποιητής που γεννήθηκε στη Λιβύη της Αλεξάνδρειας » «Οι Έλληνες εφεύρεσαν τη γεωμετρία για να αποφύγουνε την άλγεβρα που ήτανε αράπικη » «Όταν ο Οδυσσέας γύρισε πίσω στην Ιθάκη, βρήκε τους είκοσι ανεμιστήρες και την Πηνελόπη να τους δουλεύει στο φουλ.» (Από διαγώνισμα στην Ιστορία, γυμνάσιο της Κορινθίας, 1989) «Ο Λεωνίδας και οι Τριακόσιοι του ηττήθηκαν γιατί οι Θερμοπύλες ήτανε πολυπληθέστεροι σε αριθμό » «Την Οδύσσεια της έγραψε ο Οδυσσέας. Την Ιλιάδα ο Ηλιάδης. » (Από διαγώνισμα Β' τάξης γυμνασίου της Λαμίας, 1969) « Η γυναίκα του Τσάρου λεγότανε Τσάρα. Η κόρη του τσατσάρα. Ο γιος του Νορέγιεφ. » «Η μάνα του Ρασπούτιν ήτανε η ρασπουτάνα, τεραστίων διαστάσεων Ρωσίδα της Σιβηρίας ». (Από γυμνάσιο της Καρδίτσας, 1991) « Η Παραφίνη ήτανε η θεά που προστάτευε τα Χερουφίμια και τα Σεραφίμια». (Από διαγώνισμα στα θρησκευτικά, γυμνάσιο της Κορίνθου, 1990) « Πρωτεύουσα της Κεϋλάνης είναι η Λιπτον Τι». «Ο Κορινθιακός Κόλπος ευρίσκεται τελείως κατά μήκος. » (Από γυμνάσιο της Πάτρας, 1988) « Το τετράγωνο της υποτείνουσας ισούται, αλλά όχι πάντοτε» (Από γυμνάσιο της Καλαμάτας, 1991) « Η κυριότερη αιτία της εξάτμισης είναι η φωτιά κάτω από το κατσαρολάκι» «Η βαρύτητα είναι πιο δυνατή το Φθινόπωρο. Τότε βλέπουμε τα μήλα να πέφτουν ομαδικά ». Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Studentship in Applied Linguistics

ESRC PhD Studentship

Centre for Applied Linguistics

University of Warwick

We are seeking applications for a studentship in Applied Linguistics. The
studentship is part of the Doctoral Training Centre awarded to The
University of
Warwick by the Economic and Social Research Council.

The Studentship

The studentship will cover fees and a maintenance grant, normally for a
minimum of 3
years and up to a maximum of 4 years.

The research topic should be in an area relevant to the activities of the
research groups. Applications in the areas of language assessment,
across cultures, and interaction in academic and professional contexts
will be
particularly welcome.

Details of research degrees in the Centre, including notes on how to
apply, can be
found at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/researchdegrees/


Home (UK) students are eligible for a full award covering the payment of
fees and a
maintenance stipend. Home (EU) students may be eligible for a fees-only
award. Due
to ESRC rules, Overseas students are not eligible to apply.

Applicants should hold a minimum of a UK Honours Degree at 2:1 level or
and a Master's degree in a relevant subject at Distinction or

How to Apply

To apply for an ESRC Doctoral Training Studentship, complete an
application for
admission to the doctoral programme in the Centre for Applied Linguistics,
'ESRC DTC Studentship' in the relevant box under 'Finance and Funding'.
on how to apply for doctoral study at the University of Warwick can be
found at

Application closing date

28 April 2011

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