Σάββατο 24 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Asterix's birthday

Asterix is 50 years old and he still has all his teeth! Heroes never get old as long as they are in our hearts. Millions of readers around the world celebrate Asterix’s birthday.
The Gauls keep on resisting Roman’s occupation. They do so by means of a magic potion, brewd by their druid, which gives the recipient supernatural strength. All Gauls drink the potion except Obelix who fell into the cauldron of magic potion when he was a little boy...
A Gaulish village keeps its identity, independence and originality. Mostly it keeps our hope and optimism that justice triumphs in the end and life is full of colours when carefree people celebrate around a big fire , singing and eating pork .
To mark the birthday, Uderzo, the artist, has created the new adventure, The Birthday of Asterix and Obelix.

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